Just last May, some parts of the internet became embroiled in a manufactured "controversy" over a dress. Unlike the blue/gold dress phenomenon a few years ago, this controversy was not over what color the clothing was. The color of this dress was of no concern. The only controversy regarding color in this case was the color of the person who wore it.
In this case, a female 17-year-old Utah high school senior, who was white, had the "audacity" to wear a Chinese dress to her prom, and as a result the internet exploded into a rage. People from the "progressive left" screamed about "racism" and "bigotry". They whined that, by wearing a Chinese dress, this white teen girl was "oppressing" Chinese people through "cultural appropriation".
Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, "cultural appropriation" refers to people (generally white people) using or incorporating elements from nonwhite cultures into their own culture. This includes wearing another culture's clothes, singing in another language, hosting culturally-themed parties, or wearing a Halloween costume depicting someone from another culture, such as a Native American.
Now, if you are now asking yourself "What the hell is wrong with that?", well congratulations. You are a rational, straight-thinking person.
But, unfortunately, it appears that more and more people are losing touch with reality, because, especially among the ultra-politically-correct "social justice" crowd, wearing a halloween costume, wearing another culture's clothes, speaking another language, or even appreciating another culture's hallmarks is just another tool used by white people to "oppress" minorities.
Yes. It is exactly as stupid as it sounds. The very people who claim to worship racial and cultural diversity and promote tolerance of people of all races and ethnicities, are the same people who also demand that white people never, ever incorporate any other aspect of any other culture into their own. White people, they say, cannot have hairstyles that belong to another culture (e.g., an afro or dreadlocks), cannot wear another culture's clothes, should not sing in another language, and should keep all cultures separate from one another.
The sad thing is, this idea of runaway political correctness is gaining traction among the left wing. College campuses, once held up as the bastions of free speech and expression, now institute draconian and fascist policies which restrict the display of anything considered even remotely offensive, regardless of context. Jamaican-themed college parties are shut down by "diversity squads", white students who wear clothes from another culture are publicly shamed, and people who dare to speak out against this authoritarian policy are censored or forced to undergo "diversity training".
And, in case I haven't made it clear already, cultural appropriation isn't even a thing.
I don't understand what these "social justice warriors" are so mad about. When I wear another culture's clothes or I sing in another language, it is the highest possible compliment I can pay you (aside from the fact my singing voice is abysmal.)
It is my way of saying that I love and respect your culture so much that I want to be involved in it and experience the wonders of that culture for myself. The girl in Utah who wore the Chinese prom dress was in no way insulting Chinese culture. Rather, she was APPRECIATING it! She thought the dress was beautiful and wanted to show the rest of the world how pretty it was!
When different cultures come together and are mixed and matched, wonderful things are created. Stories from different cultures across the world can be heard and appreciated by all people of all ethnicities and races. It is through this process that we can learn all about the wonders of different civilizations. We can look at somebody different, wonderfully different, and see something absolutely beautiful.
But this is what Social Justice Warriors just don't get. When it comes down to it, the world that these politically correct "progressives" want to live in is a world of blandness and stagnation, devoid of innovation and entertainment. These people aren't warriors for diversity. They aren't campaigners for justice or equality. They are prophets of doom. They preach a message of death.
In truth, "social justice warriors" who whine and shriek about "cultural appropriation" are no different than the white-hooded, cross burning racists who rail and scream against racial integration.
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