In the wake of Governor Gavin Newsom's decision to impose a moratorium on California's death penalty, there has been a lot of blowback from both liberals and conservatives.
Now, I think the act of using an executive order to defy the will of the voting public is fascistic and stands in complete opposition to everything the democratic process stands for. The voters of California have not only repeatedly rejected referendums to abolish the death penalty by wide margins, but even approved a referendum to expedite the appeals process in 2016.
The voters of California have made their preference clear, and Gov. Newsom has no right and no authority to subvert the law just because of his personal feelings on the matter. He is supposed to enforce the law, not make it.
One of the 737 inmates spared by Governor Newsom's decision is a particularly disturbing individual by the name of Lawrence Bittaker. He and a friend, Roy Norris, kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered five teenage girls in California in 1979. All of the girls were between the ages of 13 and 18, and all of them were tortured for hours. Bittaker would rip the girls' genitals with pliers, stab their breasts with ice picks, and, after several hours of torture, he would finally kill them by twisting a coat hanger around their throats.
In my view, Bittaker, who was sentenced to death in 1981, is the most vile, evil, depraved, and disturbing individual I have ever studied in my life. Ever. His lack of remorse, sadistic tendencies, and penchant for torture and pedophilia is simply abhorrent.
There was simply no level of depravity Bittaker could not sink to. Usually, I can see an ounce of humanity, no matter how small, in even the most heinous of killers. But not Lawrence Bittaker. He has no humanity. He has no soul. He exists only to kill, torture, and maim. That is all he can do and it is all he will ever do.
I actually wrote about Lawrence Bittaker in my third ever article on my blog, and after doing so I had horrible nightmares for months.
Gavin Newsom's decision to stop the death penalty is an utter insult not just to the people of California, but also to the five little girls that Lawrence Bittaker brutally raped, tortured, tormented, and butchered.
If anyone deserves to die, it is Lawrence Bittaker. The voting public of California and the majority of the United States all recognize this, and they want evil people like Bittaker to face the justice that they deserve.
If Governor Newsom cannot follow through on his oath to serve the people of California, then he should step aside and let someone else take over who has the fortitude and backbone to follow through on his promises.
Great blog, thanks for posting this